How to mint a Cool Cat (web)

Cool Cat
5 min readSep 23, 2021


Looking to getting a new, unique Cool Cat NFT? Then we’re super glad to welcome you to our project!

In this quick tutorial, we will guide you through installing the TRX wallet on your Chrome browser and, of course, getting that minting started.

Let’s cat!

Step 1: Pick a suitable device

At this stage, minting Cool Cats is possible on Mac and Windows desktop browsers (we suggest using Google Chrome) via mobile wallets.

Please note that this particular guide will refer to the web version. If you prefer to use your phone for minting, please refer to this page.

Step 2: Create a TRX wallet

To proceed with Tron Cool Cats minting, you need to link your TRX wallet to the Cool Cats webpage. This process is automated, so if you already have a TRX wallet (compatible with TRC-20 tokens), the system should detect it with no issue, so you can go straight to Step 3.

If you don’t have a wallet, let’s continue together to set one up.

Of course, the crypto wallet choice is totally up to you, but we can suggest 2 tested options: TronLink (they also have iOS and Android apps) or/and Klever (with the same, iOS and Android apps)

From now on the guide will follow the TronLink setup. If you opt for Klever, please refer to the mobile phone minting guide.

Step 2.1 Add the TronLink Wallet extension for Chrome

TronLink is the world’s leading TRON wallet, and it’s featured on the official website of the TRON Foundation.

The Chrome extension will let you easily operate with your TRON balance straight from your browser.

Click here to install the Chrome extension.

Once in the Chrome Web Store, click on Add to Chrome.

It should take only a few seconds for it to download. Then, it will likely show up on the top right of your screen. If you cannot see it, press the Extensions button to find it.

To save time, we recommend you pin it to the top bar of your browser.

Step 3: Sign up or log in to your TronLink Wallet

Click on the TronLink extension to begin.

You’ll have to set a new password before moving forward. Then, the system will allow you to create a new wallet, import an existing one, or use a hardware one.

Whether you’re creating a new wallet or importing a new one, you might need a Seed Phrase consisting of 12 words. For first-timers, it’s essential to save this phrase for recovery purposes. Make sure to write it down and keep it somewhere safe.

If you followed the steps, your TronLink Wallet should now be ready to use, and you can visualize the balance of your address right from the browser. Isn’t it amazing? Let’s continue.

Step 4: Top up your TronLink Wallet

If your TronLink Wallet is new, next up is adding some TRX to it. That’s so you can mint some eye-catching Cool Cats, of course.

To do so, click on Receive and copy your wallet address.

Remember, all our Cats are minted for a fixed 1500 $TRX. Apart from that, you may need a fee of around 120–150k energy or 15–25 TRX to mint your Cat.

Step 5: Visit Сool Cats & Start Minting

The website will automatically detect it since you’re already logged into your TronLink Wallet via browser. Amazing, isn’t it?

To get the minting started, click on Mint Cats. Then, select the number of Cats you wish to you mint and press Start Minting

This action will automatically open your TronLink Wallet in another window to confirm the transaction. Just make sure to have enough TRX in your balance.

And one more time, all our Cool Cats are minted for a fixed 1500 TRX. No price tiers, no changes whatsoever. We believe this is the most transparent way.

Once the minting process it’s completed (it might take from 3 to 5 seconds), your NFTs will display on the website section My wallet.

And yes, you’re now officially a Kitty owner.

You can also transfer and sell your NFT through the marketplace. To learn more about it, check out this article.

Wallet not connected

If you are facing a Wrong net/Wallet not connected message while trying to connect your wallet to the CoolCat page, please make sure that you’ve selected the Tron Mainnet option in your TRX wallet:

After you select the correct option, please refresh the CoolCat page and try to link your wallet for minting once more. It should go smooth and fast now!

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