Cool Cats Tron Pool FAQ

We give 10% of all minting profits back to our top investors — our pool members. Here’s how it works.

Cool Cat
5 min readOct 6, 2021


What are Cool Cats Tron pools?

We have two tier pools for our big minters — a pool that gets 3% of minting profits, and a pool that gets 7% of the minting profits. The first-tier pool is for investors who minted at least 31 Cat, and the second-tier pool is for big investors who minted at least 151 cats.

Every time someone mints a cat, each pool shareholder automatically earns a share of the profits.

How do I enter a pool?

31 cats will get you into the first tier 3% pool, and 151 cats will get you into the top tier 7% pool. You join automatically when you mint enough cats — you don’t need to do absolutely anything, just enjoy your profits. Just click Start Minting — we recommend choosing to mint multiple cats in the drop-down menu above the minting button, that way it’s faster and you save a lot on fees.

What happens if I sell my cats?

This is probably the coolest part — you keep earning your share of whichever pool you’re in even if you sell ALL of your cats! You just need to mint 31 or 151 cats once and remain eligible to earn in the pool until the project sells out.

Why does this work? Basically, the pool is a reward for your investment in our project, that’s why just minting is enough, you don’t have to hold your cats. This means that you can earn your share of the pool and make money re-selling your cats at the same time.

How can I withdraw my money?

You can go to My Wallet and click the big Withdraw From Pool button any time. Just keep in mind that you can only withdraw your share of the profits that have already been made. So if you just withdrew some money from the pool, wait a little bit until more cats are minted to withdraw again.

Your shares get allocated to you automatically, so it doesn’t matter when you withdraw, every day or after minting’s over, you’ll still get each $TRX you earned.

How much can I earn?

You can see how much you already earned in your profile.

The maximum amount you can earn in each pool is the total remaining profit share at the time you joined divided by the number of pool members. For instance, if you join the 3% pool when there are 9000 cats left, and there’s already 5 pool members (including you), this is what your maximum profits would look like:

3% of 1500TRX x 9000 ÷ 5 = 81 000 TRX

Or if you join the 7% pool second while there’s at least 9000 cats left, you can get to split almost a million TRX! Here’s the math:

7% of 1500TRX x 9000 ÷ 2 = 472 500

But keep in mind that we can’t control the number of people in the pool — we wanted to give all users the opportunity to earn some extra money with our project. However, the more expensive the entry is, the less competition you’re likely to have.

Does it matter when I join?

Yes. The later you join, the less you will make. For instance, if you join when there’s still 9000 cats left, you will get your share of the profits from 9000 mintings, but if you join a pool when there’s only 1000 NFTs left, you’ll only get your share of the profits from just 1000 mintings, so nine times less. Every cat minted before you join a pool is literally money that you’re missing.

Moreover, the less members there are in a pool when you join, the more money you make — see the question below for details.

How is the money split between pool members?

In each tier pool, the profits get redistributed equally between pool members each time a new member joins the pool. Here’s how it works: Member 1 earns 100% of the pool money until Member 2 joins, then they each earn half until Member 3 joins and so on.

This means that the earlier you join, the more money you’ll make, both because there are more cats left to mint and because you have less people to split the pool with. Your share gets allocated automatically, and get recalculated every time a new member joins.

Can I hold more than one share of a pool?

In short — no. When you mint 31 Cat, you automatically become a pool shareholder, but if you mint 62 cats, you don’t get 2 shares. And if you mint 151 Cat, even if you had 31 cats before that, you will automatically move from the low tier pool to the top-tier pool. So even if you have 151 + 31 cats, you won’t earn from the 3% pool + the 7% pool, you’ll just earn from the 7% pool.

Tip: if you already have 31 cats and want to move to the 7% pool, just mint 120 more cats, that will be enough.

Can I turn a profit just from the pool?

Hypothetically, yes, but you’ll have no way of ensuring that, so we don’t recommend betting on this alone. It depends on the number of people in the pool and how soon you join one of the pools.

In theory, the 7% pool members do have a higher chance of at least breaking even just because the entry price is really high, but again, there’s no guarantee. However, this is a great additional profit that will definitely allow you to start making money off your collection right away and will let you sell or hold at your convenience.

Join a pool here



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